Friday, 15 January 2010

A music shuffle survey thing

Because I am bored. Also, I hadn't seen one like this before, so I thought I'd do it.

Awesome-ness (A Shuffle/Music Survey) :D!
Created by lover-face and taken 732 times on Bzoink
Put your music player on shuffle/random and answer these questions with the
song title. If it doesn't make sense, hopefully you'll have a laugh. :]:]:]
1. Don't you think this would look awesome on a t-shirt?: Turn The Page
2, These are the words that you say with your dying breath.: London Calling
3. You go to the bar & order your favorite drink called...: One Step Closer
4. The advice you offer to your friend who is having relationship problems:: My Gift To You
5. The pickup line you use to charm that cutie across the room...: Rain. Sun. Gone.
6. You decide to get a tattoo of your life motto which is...: Let's Do This Now
7. If you were to create your own perfume/cologne, you'd call it...: Schism
8. You're hoping this catch phrase will replace the word awesome...: Fight Fire With Fire
9. You always thought this would be a great title for a soap opera...: Change (In The House Of Flies)
10. When you open your fortune cookie it reads...: Points Of Authority
Complete the sentence with lyrics of the song either with a line, phrase or
11. My excuse for not going into work today is...: cause my path had lost direction
12. I would solve the current financial crisis by...: dreams of war, dreams of liars, dreams of dragon's fire
13. The reason for my frown is...: no longer living, just a shell of what I've dreamed
14. I just called to say...: Stop fuckin' with me, I'm the accused I'm not the enemy
15. My remedy for fixing a broken heart is...: Going coast to coast watching all the girlies shaking
16. Sorry officer for speeding, I...: I've been crawling on my belly
Basic iPod (MP3 player etc) Questions.
17. First 3 artists/bands in your music player?: Adam & the Ants, AFI and Aiden
18. How many songs in total?: 1598
19. Which artist/band do you listen to the least?: I listen to all of them
20. Name a song title starting with a S. Who is it by? Like it?: Sunday Bloody SUnday by U2. I freakin LOVE it
21. What's your current favorite song?: Hurricane by 30 Seconds To Mars
22. Do you have any techno artists on your music player? Are you a raver?: Not really
23. Name the last album title in your music player & who it is by?: 30 Seconds To Mars (band and album name)
24. Any movie soundtracks on your music player?: Queen of The Damned and Sweeney Todd
Put your music player on shuffle/random again. Answer with song title
and artist.
25. I get this really goofy smile on my face when I hear...: If I die Tomorrow by Motley Crue
26. This song gives me a killer headache...: Animals by Nickelback
27. This song totally gets me in "the" mood...: Mr. Jack by System of a Down
28. My dance jam is definately...: Acrobat by U2
29. My favorite song ever...: Edge of the Earth by 30 Seconds To Mars
30. This song reminds me of my mother...: Master Of Puppets by Metallica
31. This song describes my current state of mind...: In Pieces by Linkin Park
32. This song describes my dream last night...: Bullet The Blue Sky by U2
33. Basically this is my New Year's resolution...: Wherever I May Roam by Metallica
34. This would be the perfect superhero theme song...: Dirty by Korn
35. For whatever reason this song makes me cry...: Ditty Diego (War Chant) by The Monkees
36. Like wow, this would be perfect for a fight scene in a movie...: Hold On Girl by The Monkees
37.I would serenade my crush by singing this song...: Dirty Day by U2
38. This song has taught me a life lesson...: Take A Bow by Rihanna
You've been totally Bzoink*d!
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